Understanding The Obesity Problem And Winning The War:
The battle of the bulge is and has been officially on for years in our beloved country! This is a battle of which we must learn how to lose in order to win. Today
America is fatter and sicker than ever. It doesn’t
seem to be getting any better folks, check out these statistics;. According to a 2010 study released by the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 3 of 4 Americans will be
obese or overweight by 2020. But this dire prediction doesn't have to come
true. The solution lies in understanding how we got here and making some
essential lifestyle changes to reverse this disturbing trend.
we are all well aware of the epidemic of obesity, most of us do not appreciate
its extent and its impact in both human and economic terms. One striking illustration
of this is evident when you look at the progression of obesity by state.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in 1990
Colorado was among the thinnest states in the United States, with an obesity
rate of <10%. Back then, the fattest states, mainly those in the South, had
obesity rates between 10% and 14%. Today, Colorado is the thinnest state in the
United States, with an obesity rate between 15% and 19%. This rate would have
placed it alone as the fattest state in the union back in 1990. All other
states today have obesity rates of ≥20%, and many have obesity rates of>
a few generations ago, obese individuals were few and far between, and their
weight problems were primarily attributable to slow metabolisms. Today the
cause is rarely from slow metabolism problem; rather, it is attributable to our
computer-TV-video game–centric, sedentary, fast-food lifestyle, which has
rapidly evolved over the past 30 years. When obesity is caused by our modern
lifestyle, fat is stored primarily in the belly, leading to the apple shape,
rather than primarily under the skin in the thighs, buttocks, and elsewhere,
which results in the pear shape. Importantly, the insulin-resistance, apple
pattern of obesity is associated with wide-ranging health risks, not the least
of which is heart disease.
in adults between 35 and 45 years of age, there is evidence that the rate of
heart attacks and the amount of coronary artery atherosclerosis is on the
increase. Why? Because this generation is really the first to be raised on fast
food, video games, TV, and computers. It's a generation that's been eating
poorly and spending too much time sitting since childhood, and these same men
and women are sleep-deprived as well. We can now conclude that today our toxic
lifestyle is trumping our advances in medical science.
Just 30 years ago, before the beginning of
our epidemic of obesity, Americans had access to plenty of calories, yet most
of us were not walking around fat. Today, we are walking around far fatter and
hungrier than in the past. What has changed? The answer is too much fast,
processed food, too little exercise, and too little sleep.
Highly processed food is absorbed too
quickly into our blood streams, inducing abnormal insulin responses that in
turn lead to exaggerated swings in blood sugar. This has us walking around
hungry, consuming excess calories to combat that hunger, and storing the excess
energy in our bellies as fat. According to official medical publications, that
belly fat is linked with inflammatory factors that are associated not only with
heart disease but also with many forms of cancer, arthritis, dementia, macular
degeneration, and other chronic diseases.
Additionally, we now know that lack of sleep promotes weight gain because it affects the production hormones that help regulate your hunger levels and your metabolism.
There's no question that the digital
revolution has Americans expending much less energy at work and often during
recreation as well. Little or no exercise means fatter and sicker Americans. In
fact, statistics show that approximately 65% of the population routinely sits
instead of stands, drives instead of walks, and rides the elevator instead of
taking the stairs, which puts those Americans at an increased risk for the same
chronic diseases just mentioned.
The Blueprint To Victory:
bad news, now let’s see some hope. Compared with recent decades that were
characterized by great confusion regarding what constitutes healthy eating,
today the principles of a healthy diet are largely settled: Consume a variety
of healthy carbohydrates, healthy fats, and lean sources of protein and get
plenty of fiber (which is easy to do when you're choosing the right
carbohydrates). Experts now agree that we must evaluate the quality of the
carbs, fats, and proteins we eat, not just the quantity. We must also provide
our bodies with quality absorbable plant-derived supplements in order to make
up for what we cannot get from our foods now days. It is a well known fact that
the nutrient availability of our soil has been deleted over time due to the
industrialization of our farms. Our bodies still require 90 essential nutrients
to avoid nutrient deficiency deceases, and the best way to painlessly ensure
that is through proper nutritional supplementation.
The best strategy for sustaining an ideal
weight and good overall health is to apply the principles of optimal nutrition
as mentioned above. Too often, dieting in our culture has been thought of
primarily from the calorie-cutting perspective.
Can you lose weight just counting calories
without understanding the principles of good nutrition? Over the short term,
the answer is yes. You can even lose weight on junk food if you eat very little
of it. There's no question that on any calorie-restricted diet you will lose
weight, but you are unlikely to sustain the weight loss, and even if you do,
eating primarily nutrient-poor food, even in limited amounts, will certainly
not lead to good health. Calories count, but counting calories alone is an
unhealthy and an invariably unsuccessful approach to weight loss. By choosing a
healthy variety of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, while getting proper
nutrient supplementation, enough exercise and proper sleep, your body will usually
find its optimal weight. So when you think about food and diet, think
nutrition, not just calories.
Now that we know how to eat, exercise and sleep our
way to better health, let’s talk about how to put a turbo boosting jet pack on
this baby and get rocking towards your perfect weight ASAP (As Slim As
Possible)! This is the Pak for you.
Start Losing Weight Today!
contains protein factors and amino acids that allow your body to release the
abnormal fat stores to be used as fuel. ASAP contains only certified grade raw
materials processed according to "Good Manufacturing Practices" and
is made in the USA.
you have 10 pounds to lose or 100 pounds to lose, the ASAP Program is your
weight loss answer! You need to follow the ASAP Program and the Healthy Weight
Loss Menu for a minimum of 3 weeks and a maximum of 6 weeks. If you have more
weight to lose, you can start the program again after following the 3-Week
Maintenance break from ASAP.
program supports your body’s function to burn the Abnormal (adipose) fat
stores.* Supplementation is recommended for optimal nutrition For maximum
nutrition support, it is important to take the Healthy Start Pack, The 90 for
Life Program, which includes Beyond Tangy Tangerine®, Osteo-fx Plus™, and
Ultimate™ EFA Plus™ to supplement your nutrient profile.
Tangy Tangerine®™ – Contains a base of Plant Derived Minerals blended with
vitamins, amino acids, and other beneficial nutrients to make a balanced and
complete daily supplement. Click Here To Learn More and Shop
Osteo-fx Plus™
–Formulated to support healthy bones and joints, Osteo-fx Plus™ is a highly
absorbably liquid supplement featuring calcium plus co-factors to support
optimal calcium uptake. Osteo-fx Plus™ is loaded with key nutrients to support
healthy bones and joints, including Vitamin D3, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium,
MSM, glucosamine, and more! Mix with a few oz. of water. Click Here To Learn More and Shop
Ultimate™ EFA Plus™ – features a
proprietary blend of essential fatty acids derived from flaxseed oil, fish oil,
and borage oils. Delivering a healthy balance of Omega 3, 6, and 9s, Ultimate™
EFA™ is a must-have for people who want to derive the benefits of a full range
of essential fatty acid benefits. Click Here To Learn More and Shop
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