excerpts from Dr. Joel D. Wallach, B.S., D.V.M., N.D.
author of "Dead Doctors Don't Lie"
author of "Dead Doctors Don't Lie"
By: Youngevity Ranger
The Medical Miracle of Plant Derived Minerals:
What you don’t know can KILL!!
Two thirds of our essential nutrients, 60 out of 90, are minerals. Everybody knows everything there is to know about vitamins; therefore, we are talking about minerals today.
First are metallic minerals. These are things like oyster shell, egg shell, limestone, coral calcium, sea bed minerals, clays of various types, (Tums is a popular one with doctors) lactates, gluconates, citrates, oxides, sulfates, carbonates. These are essentially ground up rocks. Animals and human beings are only able to get 8 to 12% of these minerals. We are not designed to eat ground up rocks as a source of minerals. Have you ever wondered why people suddenly fall apart when they hit the big 50. Their back goes, their teeth get loose, whatever hair left is gray, no interest in sex and so on. That’s because your ability to absorb these elemental minerals drop precipitously to 3 - 5%.
Now a lot of patients say, “Look, Doc, I have been taking 2000mg calcium everyday for 20 years, cause I knew it was good for me, yet I still have hypertension, insomnia, loose teeth, receding gums, low back problems, bone spurs, kidney stones, arthritis, osteoporosis, all the stuff you say I shouldn’t have. I’ve been taking 2000mg calcium everyday”. I said “Well what kind do you take?” He said “I take calcium gluconate, calcium citrate, calcium lactate, oyster shell, eggshell, I take things like Tums.” I said “Well, there’s your problem. If you take 1000mg calcium lactate, for example, you’re not getting 1000mg of calcium, because 86%, 860mg is lactose, or milk sugar. Only 14%, or 140mg is metallic or elemental calcium, and let’s use 10% for usability factors, a fair number, plus its easy math, 10% of 140mg is 14. So if you take 2 of those calcium lactate tablets, each 1000mg, you’re not getting 2,000mg of calcium, you’re getting 2 times 14, or 28 mg. To get 2000mg of calcium from these 1000mg calcium lactate tablets, you would have to take 30 of those with each meal. Almost a full 100 tablet bottle of these calcium lactate tablets a day. At $5 a bottle, of course, for the cheapest one, you’re looking at $150 per month just for calcium! You’ve 59 more minerals to go, 16 vitamins, 12 essential amino acids, 3 essential fatty acids, so this is not an economical way to get your nutrients as elemental minerals. Also, if you took in 90 tablets of anything a day, you’re going to develop what we call B&F disease. B&F disease stands for belching and farting. You’re going to sound like an elephant out in the woods with a horrible gastro-intestinal problem.
Now during the 60’s the animal industry came up with what we call chelated minerals. That’s because farmers are not dumb enough to put a dollar in an animal’s mouth and have $.99 come out in the manure. We learned that by adding amino acids, proteins or enzymes to the elemental mineral, it increases absorbability tenfold, from 3-5% to 40%, and everybody got excited about chelated minerals during the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. If you look at the good multi-vitamin-mineral tablets today, you will see a mixture of elemental and chelated minerals.
Fact is, the way that animals and people are designed to consume and absorb minerals is in the plant-derived colloidal mineral form. We are not designed to eat ground up rocks. Nobody can show you where humans or animals are designed to eat ground up rocks. We’re designed to get our minerals by eating plants, grains, vegetables, fruits and nuts, and as a result, plant-derived colloidal minerals are 98% absorbable. They are two and a half times more absorbable than chelated, ten times or more absorbable than the elemental or metallic minerals.
Plant-derived colloidal minerals are liquid. They are a very small particle size, 7,000 times smaller than red blood cells. This is the way they are stored in your cells and are moved around in plant vascular systems and human vascular systems, in the liquid plant-derived colloidal form. They are negatively charged. I don’t know all of the physics and the chemistry; however, it is one of the basic features of a colloidal mineral, it is negatively charged.
These three factors together give you the 98% absorbability. Ideally, our plants, grains, vegetables, fruits and nuts take the elemental or metallic minerals out of the soil, convert them to colloidal minerals for their own use, for their own metabolism and bio-chemistry, and then animals and people eat these plants that are enriched with minerals. That is how we are designed to get our minerals. Unfortunately, we have several problems here.
Number one; U.S. Senate Document #264 in 1936 says there are very little nutritional minerals left in our farm and rain soil. For over 100 years we have used a simple fertilizer known as NPK. We add three nutrients into the soil when we really need 60 minerals. We put those three nutrients into the soil for maximum yields per ton and bushel per acre. Now then, we have to understand that plants cannot manufacture minerals. If they’re not in the soil, they’re not in the plant. Plants only have minerals in them if they’re in the soil. Plants cannot manufacture minerals.
Fact, minerals do not occur in a uniform blanket around the crust of the earth, minerals occur in veins, kind of like chocolate ripple ice cream. Also, I guess perhaps the biggest thing that has made America the most mineral deficient country in the world, is that whenever somebody would find a nifty little article in a newspaper or magazine on a mineral or vitamin, they would take it to the doctor and the doctor would poo-poo it and say “You don’t want to spend money on vitamins and minerals. You can get everything you need from your four food groups.” For fifty years physicians have been taking away the interest from the general public by making them feel foolish. “You can get everything you need from your four food groups! Why would you waste your money on those quacks? If you need a heart transplant for $850,000, I’ll do it. Why take a mineral to prevent it?”
Well, the last question you have to ask yourself is, what about those cultures that are written up the National Geographic, January, 1973. Those 10 cultures that live to be 120, 140? Are they all genetically related? And the answer is, no. They included certain tribes of Tibetans from the Himalayan Mountains, the Hunzas from Eastern Pakistan and the Karakoram Mountains, the Russian Georgians, Azerbaijani, Turkestanians and Armenians from the Caucasus Mountains in Western Russia. The Vilcabamba Indians from the Andes of Ecuador, my favorites, I just love the name, the Titicacas, and they’ve apparently picked places accidentally, certainly they weren’t knowledgeable of this, just out of a throw of the dice, they picked places that had 60 to 72 minerals in the parent rock of the mountains they chose to live in.
There’s dozens and dozens of cultures who live at the same elevation in mountains, but they only had 3 or 5 or 10 or 12 minerals in the parent rocks, and so they only lived to be 75.5 like us. That’s the number one thing, 60-72 minerals in the parent rocks they live in. Secondly, they all picked places that had less than 2 inches precipitation a year. No snow, no rain to speak of, and as a result they had to pick places that were in easy reach of permanent water, they all picked places within 50 miles of glaciers, and they built aqueducts to carry water to the valleys they lived in. Now water that comes out from underneath glaciers is not clear like Perrier or Evian water, the water that comes out from under glaciers is cloudy. It has lots of minerals in it known as “glacial milk” because it looks like milk. It’s either white, or grayish white, or grayish blue because it has a lot of minerals suspended in it. As these glaciers move up and down the mountains during the various parts of the seasons, they grind up literally tens of thousands of tons of these rocks and the rock dust or rock flour comes out in this glacial milk. Now you boil away a quart of glacial milk you get two inches of minerals in that quart jug. If you boil away a quart of Perrier water, at 20 bucks a gallon, you are going to get as much minerals as you get on the head of a pin; a huge disparity. There can be nobody more disappointed than the baby boomers when they hit 50, 60, 70 years of age and they get all this arthritis and say “Well, I don’t know how that happened, I’ve been drinking Perrier my whole life.” And so they are going to be disappointed.
Now not only do these cultures drink this water, this glacial milk, and get 8-12% and then 3-5% when they’re 40-50 years of age, cause it’s nothing more than ground up rock, metallic minerals. More importantly, in drinking the glacial milk, week after week, month after month, year after year, generation after generation for 2500 to 5000 years, depending on the culture, they irrigated with this glacial milk. And they returned literally tens of thousands of tons of these minerals, this rock dust, this rock flour, back into the soil. Their grains, fruits, vegetables and nuts took this elemental mineral out of the soil, converted to colloidal minerals and the food that they eat are rich with these colloidal minerals. All we put in is NPK, NPK, NPK. As a result, they don’t get heart disease, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis, cataracts, and Alzheimer’s Disease. They don’t have birth defects, they don’t have jails full of violent criminals and drug addicts, they don’t have hospitals, they don’t have health insurance. My God, how could you live there? They don’t have health insurance! But they live healthily to be 120 or more because they have the raw materials to maintain and repair their body.
The Solution:
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